Friday Nov 27, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio – 11.27.15
Friday Nov 27, 2015
Friday Nov 27, 2015
On today's Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis brings back Mahesh Benyamin Bridges, Coordinator of the Amazing Holistic Health Expo & Conference for a recap of this weekend's upcoming event.
For ticket and vendor information on the expo go to:
NYCAmazingHolisticHealthExpo.com or call (914)973-6372
National Black Theater, 2031 Fifth Ave. Bet 125th & 126th St.)
Dates & Time: Saturday,November 28th, 11 AM - 6 PM and
Sunday November 29th, 29th 3 PM - 7 PM
Featured on today's show are Bouimen Kamenthu, a first generation graduate of the New York Earth Center. He began his initiation in 2006. Over the past 10 years he has served in the capacity of a student, teacher, scribe, fundraiser and lecturer on diverse topics on traditional culture. He is the current overseer of the New York Earth Center. For the last seven years he has traveled back and forth from the US to Africa, living there several months each year, deepening his studies and continuing the arduous process of Initiation.
This segment is to present the upcoming event called: The Earth Center Presents: Mapping the Cosmos, Kemetic Time Keeping and the Zodiac. Discover Mysteries of Time and Space: Connecting Astronomy and Astrology, The Origins of the Zodiac Signs, and Spirituality in Cosmic Cycles.
For information go to: TheEarthCenter.org or call (917) 559-9219
Nicholas Book Store, 570 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY at 4:00 PM.
$20 at the door.
In the final segment we will hear an excerpt from an interview Kathryn conducted in 2006 of Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, a Gourmantche from Fada N'Gourma, a city East of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, began his initiations when he was eight years old.
As a young boy, Naba was able to attend European schools at the same time he was progressing through Traditional Education and Spiritual Initiations. As he grew, Naba continued his education, and not only did he attend the University, but he also excelled in his traditional and spiritual education, eventually surpassing the level of his teachers to become one of the most knowledgeable Spiritual Masters of the Dogon people.
Master Naba has transitioned and is considered to be one of the ancestors, but the school he founded in the United States, The Earth Center: Dedicated to the mission of promoting and preserving Kem culture, continues with the initial graduates of the initiation program.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com (347) 480-1694 QigongOnLine.net
Kathryn’s Healing Center in Brooklyn
110 Bay Ridge Ave, 2nd floor walk up, Bay Ridge Brooklyn 11220