Friday Dec 26, 2014
Friday Dec 26, 2014
Friday Dec 26, 2014
On today's Heart Of Mind Radio offers a post-Christmas Holiday Show.
In Part One:
We discuss the prophesy of the return of Christ. What if Jesus really did come back, would we know how to recognize a prophet. Or is the meaning of this concept bigger than the man known as Yeshua Ben Joseph. What if the prophesy was one which predicted the embodiment of Christ Consciousness by all of humanity. With all the hellish behavior that is happening in the world today, could this really be possible. And if so, how would it come about.There is a website that says it is representing the teachings of the returned Christed One.
Kathryn shares some insights from the site which is much like the material in “The Course In Miracles”: http://shantichristo.com
Part Two:
Kathryn shares a somewhat irreverent holiday music mix that includes: Little Drummer Boy, by The Temptations; The 13 Days of Solstice, Pagan Yule Carols by Karina Sky; Why Does Everyone Wait Till Christmas, by the Peaceniks; I Have Seen, by Jewel with a dash of political humor mixed in with The NSA is Coming to Town; A Christmas Warning from the NSA.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com - (347) 480-1694
Website: http://www.QigongOnLine.net