Monday Mar 02, 2020
Heart Of Mind Radio - 02.29.20
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
------------------ EVENTS ------------------
Meditation & Movement for Body Wellness and Stress Reduction
“Staying Grounded in Chaotic Times”
Restore your Vitality, Lubricate your joints & Stretch your Muscles, Ease your mind, Let go of Body Tension and Awaken a Natural State of Inner Peace
Saturdays 3:000 - 4:00 PM at: STUDIO MAYA
603 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11238 - (Between Carlton & Vanderbilt Avenues)
Kathryn offers private energy healing sessions and spiritual counseling: In person or by phone or SKYPE.
You may contact Kathryn by the following means:
Message: (347) 480-1694 - Text: (347) 432-3211
Web Sites:
Kathryn.one QigongOnLine.net HeartOfMindRadio.com BodyAscension.wordpress.com
Social Media
facebook: @HeartOfMindRadio @HeartOfMindSupportGroup @QigongOnLineUpdates