Friday Sep 19, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 09/19/14
Friday Sep 19, 2014
Friday Sep 19, 2014
On today’s program we speak with Rev. SUSANA BASTARRICA the
Founder/Organizer of The Vigil for International Peace and Ecology, Sept
21st, which was inspired by from the 9/11 tragedy and The United Nations
Resolutions 36/67 and 55/282. And FRED Shulman Licensed
psychotherapist and certified life coach practitioner. We also feature a
special song by IMOV Shakti called “Give The Moment” (IMOV.com)
Special Note: Global Synchronized Meditations are taking place on
September 21, 2014 - http://www.Unify.org - At 12-noon in every time zone
around the country are global synchronized meditations,
Also, live streaming all around the world you can watch on the Internet,
peaceday.tv and see what is going on all around the world and the vigil and
the march, and NYC will be part of this.
Rev Susana Bastarrica graduated from the Mary Louis Academy NY,
attended Queens College and joined the United Nations. Thereafter she
became involved in the activities of the United Nations celebrations for
Peace and The United Nations Staff Recreation Council. She is an ordained
Minister from the New Seminary, NYC.
Susana has been a volunteer for the Lighthouse for the Blind, Red Cross
volunteer during the September 11 crisis, Cabrini Hospice volunteer for
AIDS and Cancer, volunteer interpreter for Spanish Immigrants, organizer
and inter-activist and advocate for Human Rights and Ecology and
Ambassador For Peace.
Susana Bastarica is also an Aromatherapist, Singer, and Feng Shui
Fred Shulman Is a licensed psychotherapist and certified coach
practitioner, specializing in: individual, couples, marriage and family
counseling; love, lust and sexual addiction recovery ( as well as other
addiction recovery - alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, tobacco, exercise,
etc. ); wellness counseling ( for chronic, stress-related, life-challenging illnesses, with an auto-immune component ); trauma and disaster recovery (
which very often leads to post-traumatic stress disorder and complex stress
disorder ); educational and career guidance; organizational consultation &
EAP programs and assessment/testing services
Has almost 4 decades of experience as a clinician, educator and professional
manager... and as a graduate of CUNY's Brooklyn College ( B.A., Cum
Laude ) , New York University ( M.A. ) ,The Union Institute and
University ( Ph.D. ) and The Alfred Adler Institute of New York
( psychoanalytic training )... and with extensive and ongoing, additional
contact host: Kathryn@HeartOfMind.org