Friday Nov 07, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 11/07/14
Friday Nov 07, 2014
Friday Nov 07, 2014
On Today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we explore information about ‘Stem Cells’ and their role in restoring human health with Christian Drapeau, a leader in the field of Stem Cell Nutrition and ElenaGurevich, a Licensed Massage Therapist and representative for Stemtech a botanically based product that supports the performance of the body’s natural stem cells. Host Kathryn Davis ends the program with a commentary on taking charge of our health needs.
Christian Drapeau is Chief Science Officer at Stemtech International. He co-founded Stemtech, a leader in the field of Stem Cell Nutrition in 2005. Prior to co-founding Stemtech, Drapeau was the Director of Research and Development at Cell Tech & Desert Lake Technologies, where his study of the cyanophyta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae slowly led him to the field of stem cell research.
Christian's theory that Adult Stem Cells are nothing less than the human body's natural healing system has profound implications for every area of modern medicine. The idea that heart disease, diabetes and other medical conditions could become things of the past is no longer science fiction: because of recent Adult Stem Cell research breakthroughs. Drapeau's current research focuses on methods to support the natural role of Adult Stem Cell in the body. He collaborates with scientists and other medical experts around the world on Adult Stem Cell research and applications.
Christian has published more than 20 peer-review papers in the field of epileptogenesis and stem cell research, and currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy. He is the author of “Cracking the Stem Cell Code”, which found itself on Amazon’s Best Seller list. Drapeau holds a Bachelor degree in Honors Neurophysiology and Masters degree in Neurology and Neurosurgery from Canada’s McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, with work performed at the Montreal Neurological Institute. His thesis was on epileptogenesis and the role of eicosanoids in long-term potentiation and he completed further scientific training in variable projection microscopy at Bradford Research Institute and in ion-selective microelectrode recordings at St-Anne Hospital in France.
Stemtech's products for humans and animals are composed of natural botanicals, that have been clinically documented by Christian and other scientists to support the performance of our own stem cells. Drapeau has become one of America's best-known advocates for Adult Stem Cell research. Gaining recognition when his breakthrough theory of Adult Stem Cells, achieved widespread interest across the scientific and medical communities.
Elena Gurevich, L.M.T. Elena is a true "Renaissance Woman", Elena is a healer, health coach and licensed massage therapist as well as a classically trained pianist, opera singer, painter, sculptor, dancer and yoga instructor. Living in Manhattan offers her many ways to pursue her interests and also provides a plethora of opportunities to share her passion for Stem Cell Nutrition and Stemtech.
As a healer, she truly understands how amazing StemEnhance and Stemflo are. She has had significant results with the products, using them for 6 years and sharing them with anyone who would listen. She feels that as a healer, she has much faster and better results when people she works with add Stemtech products to their everyday regimen. She has built an international organization and is now working with Russian community, as Stemtech just opened for business in Russia this year.
Contact Host: Kathryn@HeartOfMind.org
Info: http://www.stemtech.com/US/Science.aspx
Contact Guest Elena Gurevich: stemcellaction@me.com www.4eg.stemtech.com