Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Heart Of Mind Radio, 12/31/2022
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
On today's Heart Of Mind Radio for the NEW Millennium, host Kathryn Davis features the African projects of the We Campaign at WE.net. With guests Jana Larson, Tumaini Fasso and Robert Mwesigye.
Join, Volunteer, Donate
WE ARE UNITED FOR A BETTER WORLD The WE Campaign of WE, The World unites and amplifies the efforts of people, organizations and global movements working for the common good.
Featured Music:
Frog Dancing by David Anthony Clark; Come to the River by Diane Reeves; Unity by Lotus
Jana Larson is the Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator for WE The World, Jana enjoys meeting new people and organizations to bring into WE Consciousness. She is also known as the Calendar Maven of the Global Unity Calendar and reports that finding the many wonderful opportunities and events going on in the world give her much hope for a brighter future. Being in the background is where she is happiest because she doesn't have to be a visionary in order to make a positive impact!
Tumaini Fasso is professional teacher Peace Campaigner, Peace Activist; Environmental Justice; Climate Change Advocate; And a volunteer with WE, The World (Team Tanzania) Roots & Shoots Tanzania. Attended University of Dodoma with a passion for using bachelor degree of Arts With Education to promote peace and Sustainable Development of marginalized groups such as children's, women's and Youth. In this aspect Tumani joined Jane Godall's Roots & Shoots Tanzania to promote peace to communities, environmental conservation and animal rights. Roots & Shoots Tanzania clubs works with groups such as youth and street kids as great platforms to strengthen peace initiatives to their families, schools, communities as well as nationwide.
Email: fassot03@gmail.com - WhatsApp +255-765-180052 - LinkedIn @Tumaini Fasso
Tanzania Community: More Information and to Donate: https://wecan.we.net/tanzania/
Mr. Mwesigye Robert
Robert Mwesigye holds a Diploma in Human Clinical Medicine from Kabale University. He holds a Diploma in psycho-Social Counseling from Bishop Stuart University. Is a Climate activist and founded Youth forums - kibengo Youths Care Activists and other youth forums across Africa He initiated virtual nonviolent communication training of 70 people from Africa. He did led environment activities and humanitarian work, He worked in the refugee settlement in health sector as a clinician and public health focal person in Nakivale refugee settlement and is founder of Rejoice Africa Foundation and representative of WE UGANDA
Uganda Community: More information - http://www.rafug.org/
Donate to help refugees of violence: https://gofund.me/65ad57c6
Official email: robert@rafug.org / robertmwesigye1990@gmail.com
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mwesigye-robert-a7391b1b2