Friday Mar 14, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - New Life, New Realities - 03/14/14
Friday Mar 14, 2014
Friday Mar 14, 2014
Host Kathryn Davis offers a commentary on “Ascension.” Is it a real
phenomenon and if so… How can we recognize it?
Guest: Mark Becker founder of New Life Magazine and the Serenity
Natural Healing Center, (1975) the first non-religious yoga center.
Mark gives an update on the New Life Expo taking place at the
Pennsylvania Hotel March 21-23
Guest Website: NewLifeExpo.com
Guest: For the past 20 years Alan Steinfeld has been the host of New
Realities television and founder of NewRealities.com. He feels that it
is only when we integrate consciousness with an understanding of the
cosmos will we be able to embrace new realities...
Allan joins Kathryn for a discussion about witnessing change, and
taking a look at the societal transformations that have taken place
within our life times.