Monday Dec 11, 2023
Heart Of Mind Radio, Sat. Dec. 09, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
On today's Heart Of Mind, Radio for the NEW Millennium, host Kathryn Davis celebrates the season with Ken Rowell creator of “Blankfest”. A musical concert to benefit the homeless. Admission is only one blanket, which will be distributed to those in need. Live concert is Sunday December 18 from noon to midnight. The Hudson House, 134 Main St. Nyack, NY. Learn more at https://blankfest.org/
Guest: Ken Rowell is also the front man for the veteran indie rock band The Baghdaddios. Born in Nyack, New York he moved the band's base of operation to New York City in the early 2000s and continues to release albums with his group and as a solo artist.
His first solo album, "Instant Solo Album", was released to critical acclaim in 2017. In addition to several music videos that were also released during the same time, the album was co-produced by Rowell, Jung and Todd Tobias (Guided By Voices, Bob Pollard, George Griggs) featuring more acoustic and musically scaled-down tunes as a marked contrast to earlier Baghdaddios releases, which featured more of an old-school punk aesthetic.
Featured Music: Frog Dancing by David Anthony Clark; Come to the River by Diane Reeves.
Host: Kathryn Davis is a Qigong Teacher, a facilitator of Meditation and Mind/body Relaxation Techniques, a practitioner of Reiki, Spiritually guided life force energy and the Sandlin Technique, a form of Indigenous healing based on Vision Quest and Shamanic Insight. She is founder of the Kun Li Sheng™, Healing System, which includes a Qigong form, postures and healing technologies. She has produced Heart Of Mind Radio since 2014 on the Progressive Radio Network and since 2000 on WBAI Pacifica Radio. Kathryn is author of the forthcoming book: Harness the Natural Rhythms of Life.
Kathryn’s program Qigong Self Care is ongoing and will begin again, online throughout the year - Contact her at QigongOnLine@gmail.com or go to DaoQigongLife.com for more details.
Email: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com
Websites: DaoQigongLife.com QigongOnLine.net HeartOfMindRadio.org
Blog: BodyAscension.wordpress.com
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