Friday Jul 31, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio – 07.31.15
Friday Jul 31, 2015
Friday Jul 31, 2015
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio Kathryn speaks to SueZen about Universal Peace Day. This year’s event is billed as” Ring Bells Around The world for Peace & A World Without War. On Wednesday August 5th to participate in a global event of ringing bells around the world to commemorate the 70th anniversary of dropping o the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The event starts at 7:15 PM at Strawberry Fields in Central Park. (Enter at west 72nd St.)
The contact info:
e-mail: ringbells4peace@gmail.com
FB: www.facebook.com/ringbells4Peace
URL: http://universalpeaceday.org/
SuZen is a fine art photographer, designer, educator and peace activist. In 1984, she organized the first Universal Peace Day, which has become an annual event in New York City and around the world.
While organizing Universal Peace Day at The Riverside Church in 2007,
she began A Peal for Peace Bell Project. The Riverside Church was the first church to toll its bells. Seven years later bells literally rang around the world in Japan, New Zealand, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, U.S. and New York City churches including Trinity Church, The Riverside Church, St John the Divine, St. Barts, Grace Church, St John’s Lutheran Church, and Middle Collegiate Church. To see a map of place that rang bells in 2014,
Music featured in this segment are: Opening Theme: Frog Dancing by David Anthony Clark, We Believe by Barry +:Lizzy Gruber and Be The Peace by Barry Gruber + Moogy Klingman
In segment two we hear an excerpt from the movie The Living Matrix featuring the voices of Lynn McTaggart, Bruce Lipton, James L Oschman, Eric Pearl and Rollin McCraty. Directed by Greg Becker
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 07.17.15
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
On today’s program host Kathryn Davis offers inspiration toward mindfulness as a way of living through both the good and the times of life. We feature the work of Pema Chodron an American born Buddhist nun and teacher.
The first segment is called Our Potential is Limitless, from a live program 4 Marks of Existence recorded at the Omega Institute. The full talk is available on CD audio program The Truth Of Our Existence, (10’46 min)
The second segment is called Why We Should Meditate speaks to widening the circle of compassion and being in the moment, no matter what arises. It comes from the audio program Pure Meditation talks about the true practice of meditation. (11’43 min)
The third segment is called Being Fully Present, which comes from an audio program called Natural Awareness and speaks about undoing ourselves rather than doing or non-meditation allowing natural awareness to arise within you. (7’32 min)
These and many more FREE audio programs can be downloaded FREE from http://www.soundstrue.org
Contact Host Kathryn Davis:
Email HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com
Visit websites:
Or call (347) 480-1694 with your questions or to schedule a live consultation:
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 07.10.15
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Heart Of Mind Radio Friday, July 10 2015
Program Description
On today’s program host Kathryn Davis gives a talk on making connections to the world around you and to yourself. It’s time to begin to realize how deeply woven reality is and are awakening into inter dependence and the expansion of who we truly are. The program features four affirmations along with a discourse on how to understand their impact on transforming our life.
I AM Love
I AM Whole
I AM Multidimensional
There is JOY in Being
Email HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com
You can send a request for a FREE PDF copy of today’s Affirmations to this address
Visit websites:
Or call (347) 480-1694 with your questions or to schedule a live consultation:
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 06.26.15
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Friday Jun 26, 2015
On today’s Heart of Mind Radio host Kathryn Davis talks about consciousness and the vibratory message imbedded in emotions. Like music, all activities hold a vibratory message. She further explains how we can take self-responsibility with regard to the choices we make through this understanding. When we engage the world with positive energy that is allowing rather than with angry and resentful responses, we change the world through our every-day actions.
Two audio segments are shared to illustrate this point
Wayshowers Manifesto, a song that speaks to all who are naturally inclined to be change-makers. (Wayshowers Manifesto.com) And an excerpt from a talk given byEchart Tolle called “The Flowering of Human Consciousness".
Friday Jun 19, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 06.19.15
Friday Jun 19, 2015
Friday Jun 19, 2015
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we focus on discovering the inner state of
expansive awareness.
The broadcast includes a short recording by our host Kathryn Davis in
segment one and an excerpt from a talk by José Luis Stevens on
Discovering Your Inner Shaman.
John Louis Stevens is one of the world’s foremost experts on shamanism
and shamanic practice. The founder of the: Power Path School of
Shamanism. José has trained extensively for decades under the authority of
shamans from the Huichol, Shipibo, and Q’ero peoples. In this excerpt from
the audio program Meditations for the Inner Shaman: Awakening Your
Deepest Guidance,
This and many more audio clips can be found at:
Email Host Kathryn Davis HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com
Visit websites
Monday May 18, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 05.15.15
Monday May 18, 2015
Monday May 18, 2015
n today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis invites the creators of a remarkable new video game designed to enhance spiritual cultivation. Our guests M. Malcolm King and Ron Williams are co-designers of KARMANTRICS: the game of Enlightenment. The discussion covers the history and development of the game, how it was created first as a board game and then converted to an on-line game. Also about its purpose and the mission of its creators. For more information go tohttp://karmantics.com
In segment two we discuss the importance for every person to make a direct connection to Mother Earth and coming into the realization that humanity is responsible for her healing and restoration to wholeness.
There are three opportunities this month to join Kathryn for a class in Meditation and Movement for Relaxation and Self Healing. In Brooklyn on Saturday May 16th and Sunday May 24th at her Brooklyn Healing Space, 110 Bay Ridge Ave, 2nd floor walk up. And a very special and one-of-a-time event at the BRONX MUSEUM on Thursday, May 21st from 7-8 PM. Check below for details and directions.
Thursday, May 21, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
1040 Fitness! Meditation and Movement
Warm up in series of five fitness classes at the Bronx Museum! Get a lesson on culture, movement, and style and break a sweat while you’re at it. This week Kathryn Davis will lead visitors through “Meditation and Movement for Relaxation and Healing. Free Admission and refreshments (donation suggested) Click here to view more upcoming 1040 Fitness! Classes. Admission: ALWAYS FREE Click here to become a member
BY SUBWAY: "D" or "B" to the 167 Street/Grand Concourse station. Exit at rear of station; walk south along Grand Concourse two blocks. "4" to the 161St/Yankee Stadium station. Walk east three blocks to the Grand Concourse, then north four blocks along Grand Concourse to 165 St.
BY BUS: Bx1, Bx2, or BxM4 Express to 165 St
Google Maps directions
Friday May 01, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 05.01.15
Friday May 01, 2015
Friday May 01, 2015
Today’s Theme on Heart Of Mind Radio is Awareness, Awakening and Ascension, with shared insights from 2 authors within the human potential movement: John Kabat-Zinn and Mukti.
Kathryn offers commentary on her experience connecting with her higher self and spiritual guides and offers encouragement for everyone to pursue their own connections.
Kathryn’s Meditation & Movement Class: Brooklyn Healing Space
Saturday. May 2– 1:00 – 2:30 PM
110 Bay Ridge Ave (2nd floor walk up) and give contact Info:
QigongOnLine.net – QigongOnLine@gmail.com
HeartOfMindRadio.com HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com
(347) 480-1694
Guest Audio Segment includes:
Jon Kabat-Zinn: Can We Experience the Difference Between Thinking and Awareness? - Jon Kabat-Zinn is the founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and one of the prime movers behind the spread of mindfulness-based stress reduction. In this excerpt from Mindfulness for Beginners, Jon outlines one of the fundamental aspects of mindfulness meditation—the difference between thinking and awareness. According to Sounds True producer Matt Licata, “[By] training ourselves to notice this difference, we open ourselves to the experience of openhearted joy no longer subject to the ever-changing nature of the mind.” In this way, we can begin to experience the true fruits of mindfulness—the ability to be fully here in the rich flow of life.
Mukti: Three Levels of Awakening - Pulling from her new audio program, The Self in Full Bloom: Teachings and Practices for Embodied Awakening, experienced yoga and meditation teacher Mukti speaks on the different levels of spiritual awakening. According to Sounds True producer Mitchell Clute, “As we recorded The Self in Full Bloom, listening to Mukti brought me again and again to a place of stillness and presence. I’m excited to share these teachings with our listeners so others may also find relaxation into a more expansive, unbounded sense of self.” Now, you too can take in Mukti’s quiet observations of awakening through the heart, mind, and gut.
More info and audio can be found at http://www.soundstrue.com
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 04.24.15
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Today’s Theme on Heart Of Mind Radio is Self Mastery. Kathryn shares insights from a variety of authors and offers commentary on her experience and cultivation of the mastery that can be attained through attentiveness to everyday life, and the insight that Mastery is the expression of love in every encounter.
Kathryn’s Meditation & Movement Class: Brooklyn Healing Space
Sunday. April 26– 1:00 – 2:30 PM
110 Bay Ridge Ave (2nd floor walk up) and give contact Info:
QigongOnLine.net – QigongOnLine@gmail.com
HeartOfMindRadio.com HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com
(347) 480-1694
Guest Audio Segment includes:
Angeles Arrien: What Is Gratitude? - “Angeles Arrien has the mind of a scholar and the heart of a friend.” This was Sounds True producer Mitchell Clute’s reaction when he recorded Angeles’ audio program Gratitude: The Essential Practice for Happiness and Fulfillment. As both a cultural anthropologist and a spiritual teacher, Angeles had a gift for seeing how diverse global traditions all share certain common threads of wisdom. As Mitchell says, “Angeles weaves examples from many times and cultures to illuminate her core concepts. It is this skillful ability that gives her work such a unique impact.” In this week’s excerpt, Angeles explores gratitude and its relationship with grace, the giving of gifts, solace, and peace.
Joseph Goldstein: Nothing Is Outside of Our Practice - Joseph Goldstein has been one of the most prolific and well-respected teachers of Buddhist meditation practices in the West since 1974. In this excerpt drawn from the audio series Abiding in Mindfulness, Joseph explains how mindfulness can—and must—be practiced in even the most trying of circumstances. In the words of Sounds True producer Randy Roark, “Joseph teaches that if we can learn how to practice . . . even in sickness—and especially in the face of death—we will deepen one of the most important aspects of our practice. That is: how to turn off the mental process of self-inflicted suffering so that we can see more clearly in those important moments.”
Alice Walker: The Natural Self - Winner of both the Pulitzer Prize® and an American Book Award in 1983, Alice Walker is recognized as one of the most influential writers of our time. Her novels include The Third Life of Grange Copeland, Meridian, The Temple of My Familiar, and Possessing the Secret of Joy. Her most famous work, The Color Purple, spent more than a year on the New York Times bestseller list and was made into a film directed by Steven Spielberg. An essayist, poet, short story writer, and children’s book author, Alice has taught at Wellesley College, Brown University, Sarah Lawrence College, and Harvard University, and was an associate professor of English at Yale University. In this excerpt, Alice considers how it is possible to appreciate yourself as you are—including your imperfections—in every single moment.
More info and audio can be found at http://www.soundstrue.com
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 04.17.15
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Friday Apr 17, 2015
On today's program in the first segment Kathryn will focus on a discourse and meditation on connecting with one’s Divine Nature. In the second segment Kathryn speaks about the power of lucid dreaming as an access point to higher 4th, and lover 5th dimensional experiences and offers instructions on how to attain a state of mind that is conducive to lucid dreaming.
Invitation to attend Meditation / Qigong Movement class on Saturday at her Brooklyn Healing Space: 110 Bay Ridge Ave (2nd floor walk up)
Appointments for private healing sessions are also available.
Contact Info: (Please RSVP for the class)
http://www.QigongOnLine.net – QigongOnLine@gmail.com
http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com
(347) 480-1694
Friday Apr 10, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 04.10.15
Friday Apr 10, 2015
Friday Apr 10, 2015
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio with Kathryn Davis, we invite our listeners to participate in the upcoming: Planet Heart’s 9th Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebration which will be on Thursday, April 23 – 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM. Doors open at 6 PM with a pre-show and the program starts at 7 PM. The Location: St. John’s Lutheran Church, 81 Christopher St, NYC. Adults: $15 in advance, $20 at the door, cash only, Children $5 (door). For more information go to the official website: www.planetheart.org and for advance tickets go to: bit.ly/AWPED9
For 9 years, this celebration and fundraiser has brought many world speakers and performers together honoring Mother Earth in a grassroots spiritual earth day community gathering with indigenous ceremonies, talks, meditation, community inter-action, and live performances. This year immerse yourself in a four-hour journey of the evening with the five elements Earth, Air, Fire Water and Ether.
Also a reminder of the opportunity to attend meditation sessions with Kathryn on Sunday April 12th and the following weekend on Saturday April 25th from 1:00 – 1:30 at her Brooklyn Healing Space: 110 Bay Ridge Ave. For more information go to http://www.QigongOnLine.net or call (347) 480-1694 or email HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com.
Our guests on todays program are:
Andrew Kaen, Founder, Executive Producer and Principal Organizer of Planet Heart and the annual world peace earth day celebration. He has been on a spiritual path for 19 years now, where his Soul was activated with a spiritually awakened non-duality consciousness and awareness that included channeling and receiving higher dimensional frequencies of sounds, music chants, light language and poetry.
As a lightworker, he is here on this planet as a vibrational sound channel, singer/soulwriter and galactic emissary, to help lead the way of the Light to help others find their path to the Real One Truth that we are all one. In 2006, he had a burning desire inspired by God and his higher Calling to begin creating a grassroots spiritually infused heart to heart inter-denominational world peace earth day gathering unlike any other in new York city that celebrates peace, spirituality and sustainability for the next 7 generations. His name Andrew Kaen if scrambled in a ACRONYM spells ReAwakennd, which he feels is his true Soul given name to be ReAwakennd Andrew Kaen.
Grandmother Shirley Barclay AKA Southern Sky Woman is an Indigenous Elder and Wolf Clan Mother from the Cherokee and is a Pipe Carrier and Sun Dancer from the Lakota traditions. She has been trined as a healer in both the Indigenous ways and worked many years in the Mental Health field, in the Western Medical Professions. She has traveled and taught all over the world over the past 35 plus years, held and attended ceremonies interfacing the Indigenous and Western teachings.
Grandmother Shirley Barclay works to bring compassion between people, opening the heart and connection to this Earth Mother and building community wherever she goes. At this time she is living in Ecuador working, teaching and participating in many Indigenous Ceremonies in different places I that country. She is also active in Mexico with different Ceremonies such as the Roots of Earth, Medicine Ceremonies, Sun Dance and in service to all people. She is part of an international Group of Women called the Mujeres de Luna, who are dedicated to saving the songs of women and to build connection with women everywhere. She loves life and is someone who loves this planet and it’s people – All People.
David Young is author, artist, Grammy nominated musician and master storyteller. Over 10,000 Wellness Centers and healers of all kinds use his music all day long because they feel that his music is the most healing music on the planet. John Hopkins Medical Centers actually have entire floors that ply his music 24/7 for this reason. Approximately 300,000 people a day are being treated while listening to his music.
He has recorded 55 different albuns that have been approved by the APA (The American Psychological Association) because of their therapeutic qualities and the thread that connects all of his music is that David plays two flutes at one time. This creates a harmonic resonance and a frequency that millions of people all over the world have experienced and call “The Most Heavenly Music on Earth.” Over 1,000,000 CD’s have been sold.
He is also an accomplished singer/songwriter/guitarist whose voice and songs have been used on numerous TV productions. He wrote and starred in the film Village of Dreams that has been played hundreds of times on television. Since 2010, without any previous belief in channeling or ghosts, George Harrison appears to him along with John Lennon and he has been doing events and composing music involving them and has books and CDs on his experiences for sale on his website. http://www.davidyoungmusic.com/
IMOV aka Christine Marie is on Planet Heart’s Core Team as a Associate Producer this year, and also is a co host with Alan Steinfeld and a featured performer debuting her new band imov and the peezkeepahz.
She is a Conscious Pop artist who has done inner work and been certified as a Reiki Master Level IV, Certified Wellness Counselor (American Association of Drugless Practitioners) , Level ! YOGA FIT (tm) Instructor and is dedicated and committed to her own inner growth. Her mission is to raise her own Consciousness and help others do the same.
With a burning desire to raise consciousness and inspire others toward wellness and healing, Christine Marie aspires as an independent artist with her record label Authentic Records. Her record label is a subsidiary of her company, IMOV International LLC, "Wellness Through Entertainment" a multimedia production company that provides a forum to help rebuild the world through interactive experiential entertainment. This form of entertainment consists of conscious programming that creates heightened awareness experiences that are a catalyst for healing, wellness and evolution.
Her website is www.imovllc.com