Friday Apr 03, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 04.03.15
Friday Apr 03, 2015
Friday Apr 03, 2015
All of humanity shares one greater Higher Self that has birthed all of our individual Higher Selves. On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio program we receive a message received by Kathryn, but intended for All.
Higher Self on understanding the true creation story and the reason incarnated humans agreed to participate in the human experience with a veil of separation. How the separation came to propel humanity into darkness and loss of their divine awareness of the creator source. And affirms the divinity of humanity and encourages ALL to participate in removal of the veil, also known as the dark cell that holds the separation in place and open up to a full integration of self.
Part 1 – Recorded Message: One Family – Divine Mission - 17.15 min
Part 2 – Recorded Message: One Family –
Human Struggle, Return to Divine Source - 14.2 min
Park 3 – Live – Meditation for removal of the veil or dark cell of separation
Kathryn will be offering a live meditation and Qigong movement class on Saturday, April 5 at her Brooklyn Healing Space from 1:00 – 2:30 PM
110 Bay Ridge Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11220 (2nd Floor Walk Up).
You can also schedule a private healing session
You will find many more meditations at http://www.QigongOnLine.net
And more about the radio shows at http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com
Contact Host:
Or call: (347) 480-1694
Please check out another web site with more information on removing the “dark cell”
Though the host and I share the same name, we are different embodiments.
Friday Mar 27, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 03.27.15
Friday Mar 27, 2015
Friday Mar 27, 2015
On today’s program we speak with Pauline Novak-Reich author of Mystifying Square, Divine Proportions, Nature’s Black Box.
This volume traces W.D. Gann's "Time Factor" and "Law of Vibration" back to the Chaldeans of 3000 BCE Sumer whose principal aspiration was to understand the motion of time. They divided time into years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds and devised calendars which helped them predict, and therefore survive, their two rivers' ravaging floods. Inadvertently, their findings also solved the mystery behind the ups and down of money markets.
From ancient Sumer to Egypt, ancient China to the native peoples of Central and North America, civilizations unlikely to have had contact with each other built remarkably similar monuments according to geometrical proportions designed to embody cosmic knowledge that would last for all time. Each deciphered time cycles, created calendars and made long term projections of natural phenomena.
The Square-of-9 is a matrix embodying nature's cosmic clock. Pauline Novak-Reich takes the reader through ancient math, sacred geometry and lore demonstrating the extraordinary achievements of people who lived in tandem with nature. Each one of these civilizations discovered Nature's "Black Box". Gann often reiterated that: "Everything in existence is based on exact proportion and perfect relationship. There is no chance in nature; because mathematical principles of the highest order lie at the foundation of all things...Vibration is fundamental: nothing is exempt from this law. It is universal, therefore applicable to every class of phenomena on the globe."
Pauline Novak-Reich was born in Poland in 1948, and moved to Israel at the age of nine where she grew up and received her education in biblical studies.
In 1974 she migrated to Australia and lives in Melbourne. In the late 1970s, Pauline developed a fascination for the financial markets, watching the spectacular rise and fall in precious metal prices, gold in particular. She resolved to develop a career in the field and sought employment with a brokerage house, where she discovered the writings of W. D. Gann.
She subsequently became a Treasury analyst for the Australia and New Zealand Banking Corporation, where she worked in the foreign exchange dealing room as Manager Research Foreign Exchange. Her daily task was to analyse trends and forecast the future movements of currency, interest rates, and equity and commodity markets. In 2004 she began to write.
Contact author: pauline.reich@optusnet.com.au https://www.facebook.com/pauline.novakreich
Contact Host Kathryn Davis:
http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com which offers links to free web programs such as the 2014 Indigenous Wisdom Summit
http://wwwlQigongOnLine.net, which offers many videos, inspiration and insights.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com (347) 480-1694
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 02.13.15
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn engages the listeners in a purposeful participation in the “Moment of Divine Unification” which takes advantage of the celestial constellations on this day Friday the 13th as a sacred day for manifesting Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Human and Divine worlds.
Kathryn Annette Davis is a facilitator of Meditation and Relaxation Techniques; a Master Teacher of Qigong; an Energy - Vibrational Healer; Mystic and Spiritual Doula. She is a lecturer, Artist, Author and Founder of the Kun Li Sheng™ System, which includes the Qigong Form and Healing Technologies, School of Applied Healing Arts and Temple of Understanding
New Websites now active
http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com, which offers links to free web programs such as the 2014 Indigenous Wisdom Summit
http://wwwlQigongOnLine.net, which offers many videos, inspiration and insights.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com (347) 480-1694
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 02.06.15
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Fred Alan Wolf: Creating Reality from a Quantum Perspective.
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, a featured speaker in the film What the Bleep Do We Know? and the author of Taking the Quantum Leap, says that the weird and uncertain world of quantum physics can offer valuable insights for the way we live. For instance, the idea that we each create our own reality has been a part of spiritual traditions throughout history, but in recent years quantum physics has shed new light on what this really means and how it works. In this audio clip, Dr. Wolf examines the art of paying attention—a seemingly simple act that is the first step in becoming a co-creator of reality.
Excerpt of reading from “The Power of I AM” by David Alan who says in the forward of the book:I searched for the best book I could find on this subject but couldn’t seem to find what I was looking for so but through the hundreds of metaphysical books I had read I knew that I AM was important enough to have one book on the subject…… I took the best of the best from the best authors on the subject (in my humble opinion of course) and compiled this little masterpiece of the great I AM. Within its pages if you apply what you read and understand you may just be surprised at the results.It is with this in mind that this book was born. Find more at the website: http://www.thepowerofiam.org/
During the second segment Kathryn reviews her True Wealth Empowerment program: a curriculum of teachings, affirmations and prayer in accordance with Divine guidance and Celestial configuration of abundance and transformation.
New Websites now active
http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com,which offers links to free web programs such as the 2014 Indigenous Wisdom Summit
http://wwwlQigongOnLine.net, which offers many videos, inspiration and insights.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com (347) 480-1694
You can now join Kathryn for a meditation and Qigong movement class at her Healing Center in Brooklyn
110 Bay Ridge Ave, 2nd floor walk up, Bay Ridge Brooklyn 11220
for the first and third Saturdays and second and fourth Sundays at 1 PM
Please RSVP: (347) 480-1694
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 01.30.15
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Friday Jan 30, 2015
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we feature the words of two dedicated spiritual teachers Kim Eng and Michael Bernard Beckwith who offer insights that resonate very strongly with the purpose of this radio program. In the second segment host Kathryn shares some of her own mystical experiences and lucid dreams and talks about how to cultivate the mystical experience for one’s self.
Kim Eng: A Daily Practice to Reconnect with Yourself
Michael Bernard Beckwith: You Are Here With a Purpose
We think of places of power as being sacred sites, cathedrals, or areas of great natural beauty—yet your greatest power spot is a place you inhabit all the time.Michael Bernard Beckwith calls this “your body temple,” and teaches that part of what we all must do to express our true purpose in life is to honor this vessel that carries us through life. As Sounds True producer Nancy Smith says, “Michael’s passion for conscious embodiment inspires us to appreciate and care for the precious body we inhabit.” In this selection from the audio program Your Place of Power: Life Visioning Practices for Honoring the Body Temple, he illuminates the reason why we have been given the gift of incarnating in physical form.
In his teachings, Eckhart Tolle often talks about the “pain-body,” which is how he refers to part of our subtle energetic field that actually feeds on toxic thoughts and emotions. He teaches that we all have a pain-body that can keep us from experiencing the fullness of this moment—so what do we do about it?Kim Eng, Eckhart’s teaching partner, has created a series of practices to help us dissolve the pain-body. As Sounds True editorial director Nancy Smith says, “It’s always a special experience to go into the studio with Kim. She has a rare gift for teaching us how to become fully present in any situation, no matter how difficult.” In this audio excerpt from Resist Nothing: Guided Meditations to Heal the Pain-Body, Kim shares a daily practice for reconnecting with our basic sense of presence.
New Websites now active
http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com,which offers links to free web programs such as the 2014 Indigenous Wisdom Summit
http://wwwlQigongOnLine.net, which offers many videos, inspiration and insights.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com (347) 480-1694
You can now join Kathryn for a meditation and Qigong movement class at her Healing Center in Brooklyn
110 Bay Ridge Ave, 2nd floor walk up, Bay Ridge Brooklyn 11220
for the first and third Saturdays and second and fourth Sundays at 1 PM
Please RSVP: (347) 480-1694
Friday Jan 23, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 01.23.15
Friday Jan 23, 2015
Friday Jan 23, 2015
On today's Heart Of Mind Kathryn explores the following Questions:
Is your meditation a dead end? What is enlightenment? What does enlightenment or awakening really mean?
Featuring the work of Adyashanti and Andrew Harvey
Adyashanti, author of The Way of Liberation, Resurrecting Jesus, Falling into Grace and The End of Your World, is an American-born spiritual leader devoted to serving the awakening of all beings.
Adyashanti presentation includes:
We Need to Approach Meditation With An Attitude of Innocence
Enlightenment Returns Us To the Natural State Of Being
Our Natural Tendency To Awaken
Andrew Harvey is an author, religious scholar and teacher of mystic traditions, known primarily for his popular nonfiction books on Spiritual mystical themes beginning with his 1983 A Journey in Ladakh, and includes The Hope A Guide To Sacred Activism, Heart Yoga, and Teachings of Rumi.
Harvey presentation includes:
Introduction to Meditation (4 Wisdom Teachings from around the world)
Relaxation To the Deeper Core (Transforming fear and anxiety)
Link on http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com FREE program with Mystical Scholar Andrew Harvey
Becoming a DIVINE HUMAN (4 streams)
Have you hungered for a complete approach to spiritual awakening - one that fuses Heaven and Earth, masculine and feminine, stillness and action into one alchemical path?
Further Guest Information:
Kathryn will be offering a Meditation & Qigong Class on Sunday January 25th at 1:00 PM at her Brooklyn Healing Center
110 Bay Ridge Ave (2nd floor walk-up)
Brooklyn, NY 11220 (between Colonial Road and Narrows Ave-
R train to Bay Ridge Ave in Brooklyn)
RSVP required (347) 480-1694 or email qigongonline@gmail.com
Learn more about Kathryn's work on http://www.QigongOnLine.net
Or learn more about the broadcasts at http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com
Or email HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com
Friday Jan 16, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 01.16.15
Friday Jan 16, 2015
Friday Jan 16, 2015
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we hear excerpts from a talk by Michael Brown the author of “The Presence Process, A Healing Journey into Present Moment Awareness. The talk is called “Digesting Our Required Nutrition”, however, it is not about food but conveys a spiritual understanding of the difference between Doing and Being.
Learn more about Michael Brown at http://www.thePresencePortal.com
New Websites now active
http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com, which offers links to FREE downloads of web programs such as the 2014 Indigenous Wisdom Summit.
Also visit: http://wwwlQigongOnLine.net, which offers many videos, inspiration, insights and schedule of Meditation classes and Qigong trainings.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com (347) 480-1694
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 01.09.15
Friday Jan 09, 2015
Friday Jan 09, 2015
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis opens with a few pertinent news stories including: A rare Green Comet is Now the closest to Earth it will be for 8,000 years; 26 Earthquakes later, Fracking’s smoking gun is in Texas and New Theory suggests that we live in the past of a Parallel Universe.
In segment two, Kathryn shares a meditation /message for 2015 as a year of Faith, Trust, Knowing and Being. The message speaks to the challenges we are in the midst of experiencing and delivers an understanding of these challenges as the process of transformation.
New Websites now active
http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com, which offers links to free web programs such as the 2014 Indigenous Wisdom Summit and,
http://wwwlQigongOnLine.net, which offers many videos, inspiration and insights.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com (347) 480-1694
Friday Jan 02, 2015
Heart of Mind Radio - 01.02.15
Friday Jan 02, 2015
Friday Jan 02, 2015
On today’s Heart of Mind we feature the teachings of the late Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, a Gourmantche from Fada N'Gourma, a city East of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, began his initiations when he was eight years old. As a young boy, Naba was able to attend European schools at the same time he was progressing through Traditional Education and Spiritual Initiations. As he grew, Naba continued his education, and not only did he attend the University, but he also excelled in his traditional and spiritual education, eventually surpassing the level of his teachers to become one of the most knowledgeable Spiritual Masters of the Dogon people.
http://www.TheEarthCenter.com - 405 Lefferts Ave., Bklyn. NY 11225 – (347) 529-1399
The spiritual initiations taught in the Gourmantche/Dogon tribe are part of what modern anthropologists call the "secret societies" and "mystery schools". This spiritual knowledge is acquired only through very intense and challenging initiations and teachings that must be kept secret among the initiated. The initiations are the direct knowledge from the schools of Memphis and Thebes, and have been passed from generation to generation for millennia. Master Naba was seen throughout Merita(Traditional Africa) as one of the greatest Masters of this knowledge, and he was the first Authentic Master who was elected by his elders to bring this knowledge to the outside world.
Master Naba visited over 127 countries and his presence was requested in many temples and holy places all over the world. Master Naba spoke thirteen languages, including English, French and German, and was a Master of "Egyptology" and Hieroglyphics. As a founder of the modern M'TAM (study of Earth energies) schools, he established himself as one of the greatest Masters of these techniques.
Master Naba was renowned worldwide as a Spiritual Master. He was a Traditional Priest, Master, and Healer. Additionally, Master Naba was a parapsychologist, metaphysician, and cultural activist. He researched and re-established the Sidereal Calendar (the only calendar that is astronomically correct and not based on social or religious events or beliefs), the Great Book of Divine Ordinances (the translation of the original papyri known as Nw, Nbsni, and Insa, which present the original seventy-seven commandments before Christianity) and the Mandala of Denderah (the original map of the sky, with the original constellations), among many other works.
As a writer, Master Naba published over 25 books in many countries. He wrote poetry and fiction as well as books and articles on M'TAM, culture, and spirituality. He founded Bayuali Magazine, an esoteric magazine featuring Earth Energy Readings, Choices Magazine, and The Rising Firefly Magazine. He founded KHEPRA, a non-profit organization of Kemetic cultural workers, researchers, and activists. Master Naba was the inspiration for the founding of The Earth Center of Maanu, a non-profit organization in the United States teaching M'TAM techniques and principles and promoting traditional Kemetic spirituality, values, and culture.
As a healer, Naba is the founder and president of ANKHKASTA, an organization of Kemetic priests and healers. The Ankhkasta team works to introduce and promote traditional Kemetic herbal remedies for all of today's illnesses, conditions, and spiritual problems or concerns. These remedies are part of the knowledge of the initiation schools and are part of a traditional, esoteric knowledge.
Contrary to popular belief, the Dogons are not just a small tribe that lives in Mali; Dogons are composed of many different bloodlines that represent the elite of the Pharaonic society. Dogon bloodlines include the families of: Naba (healers/priests), Woba (farmers), Yonlis (guardians of the kingship), Kediou (builders), Mende (blacksmiths), etc. These bloodlines can be found in tribes such as Gourmantche, Chibisi, Dogomba, Farafara, Sonike, Germa, etc. The Dogons once lived in the Nile Valley, but migrated inland during the invasion around 400 BC. Today, the Dogons can be found living by the bend in the Niger River.
The name "Dogon" comes from the word "dogou", which means land. The Dogons are considered the "landlords" of Africa and their culture aims at preserving the Earth and everything that lives on it. The Dogon culture has remained uninterrupted since the time of the Pharaohs. The Dogons can be seen as Kemetic people who, during the periods of invasion, migrated so that their culture and spirituality could be kept pure. Due largely to the facts that the Dogon culture now resides in a land-locked area and that the Dogon possess deep spiritual knowledge, the culture has been preserved from colonial interruptions and influence. This cultural and spiritual preservation also is the result of very strong and strict rules of initiation (the mode by which initiation knowledge is passed from generation to generation.)
Kathryn’s New Websites now active
http://www.HeartOfMindRadio.com, which offers links to free web programs such as the 2014 Indigenous Wisdom Summit
http://wwwlQigongOnLine.net, which offers many videos, inspiration and insights.
Friday Dec 26, 2014
Friday Dec 26, 2014
Friday Dec 26, 2014
On today's Heart Of Mind Radio offers a post-Christmas Holiday Show.
In Part One:
We discuss the prophesy of the return of Christ. What if Jesus really did come back, would we know how to recognize a prophet. Or is the meaning of this concept bigger than the man known as Yeshua Ben Joseph. What if the prophesy was one which predicted the embodiment of Christ Consciousness by all of humanity. With all the hellish behavior that is happening in the world today, could this really be possible. And if so, how would it come about.There is a website that says it is representing the teachings of the returned Christed One.
Kathryn shares some insights from the site which is much like the material in “The Course In Miracles”: http://shantichristo.com
Part Two:
Kathryn shares a somewhat irreverent holiday music mix that includes: Little Drummer Boy, by The Temptations; The 13 Days of Solstice, Pagan Yule Carols by Karina Sky; Why Does Everyone Wait Till Christmas, by the Peaceniks; I Have Seen, by Jewel with a dash of political humor mixed in with The NSA is Coming to Town; A Christmas Warning from the NSA.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com - (347) 480-1694
Website: http://www.QigongOnLine.net