Friday Dec 19, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 12.19.14
Friday Dec 19, 2014
Friday Dec 19, 2014
On today’s Heart Of Mind we feature the theme: Detox for the Holidays with an interview with Karyn Calebrese, one of the most popular and innovative leaders in the holistic health industry, Karyn's is a wellness company that offers something for everyone on a journey towards better health. An American raw foodist and restaurateur. Her first restaurant Karyn’s Raw Bistro, is the longest-standing gourmet raw food restaurant in the United States. We speak about her journey to raw foodism and her book “Soak Your Nuts, Cleansing with Karyn.” Check out her website, it offers many tools for transforming your diet and your life.http://www.karynraw.com/
Follow our host Kathryn Davis shares her own detox recipe and shares information on the benefits of natural foods and spices for cleansing and detoxing the body.
Friday Dec 12, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 12.12.14
Friday Dec 12, 2014
Friday Dec 12, 2014
Heart Of Mind Radio, Friday DEC 12, 14 – 10:00 – 10:58 AM
Program Description
On todays Heart Of Mind Radio we feature the work of Adyashanti, author of the Way of Liberation, Resurrecting Jesus, Falling into Grace and the End of Your World. He is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. We hear excerpts from his audio book True Meditation. Learn more about his work at: www.adyashanti.org or at: http://www.soundstrue.com/store/adyashanti-5197.html
Kathryn shares an encantation for healing with the Emerald Ray and speaks about the activation of Divine Union during the cosmic portal of December 12 to December 21st of 2014.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com or call (347-480-1694 to inquire about meditation classes and private sessions with Kathryn
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 12.05.14
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Today’s Guest is Danna Novick, an emergency room triage nurse turned whistle blower, that sued St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital after they fired her for complaining about the neglect of a homeless man, who was later, found dead in the hospital courtyard. Even though Federal investigations supported her claims and orders that she be re-hired and receive back pay, she continues to struggle to get her life back.
Danna tells her story with the hope that it will inspire others to have more compassion and understanding for those who are most neglected by society. We discuss this and begin to take a look at what needs to take place to make sustainable change in the current health system and within the attitudes of people who support those systems.
In the second segment host Kathryn Davis takes a look at that part of our being that is often in control of our emotional state, the “Inner Child”. And we share a meditation that will open the path of communication and inner healing.
Contact Host: HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com - (347) 480-1694
Friday Nov 21, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 11.21.14
Friday Nov 21, 2014
Friday Nov 21, 2014
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl returns to talk about his trip to New York, during which he will offer a lecture on his new book “The Toltec Secret: Dreaming Practices of the Ancient Mexicans and his upcoming Pilgrimage to the Navel of the Moon (The Birth of Huitzilpochtli) in Mexico.
Websites: http://sergiomagana.com/ - http://www.opencenter.org/events/the-birth-of-huitzilopochtli-pilgrimage-to-the-navel-of-the-moon-mexico-2/
Sergio Magaña, “Ocelocoyotl”, is a well-known and respected healer in Mexico City, who has been initiated into the 5,000-year-old Toltec or Toltecayotl lineage of Mesoamerica. The tradition began with the ancient Chichimecas, who transmitted it to Teotihuacans and then Toltecs, who then taught both the Mayans and Aztecs. Sergio is also trained in the Tol shamanic lineage (nahualism) of dreaming knowledge that has been passed on in the oral tradition without interruption from master to student for 1,460 years. The time for these teachings to be unveiled is now and Sergio is one of a few spokespeople asked to share this ancient and hidden wisdom with the world.
According to the tradition of the Mexica/Aztec, we are moving from the Fifth Sun to the Sixth Sun, or an age of human evolution where we have the potential to know our full selves, by exploring the inner or subtler aspects of humanness. It is through this knowledge that we can actively participate in the evolution of human and planetary consciousness. Now, we are presented with an opportunity for us to expand into our greater capacities and live from a place of grace and unity.
The Chichimeca, a nomadic culture, were the original holders of the spiritual tradition or root lineage of ancient Mexico and considered to be double masters, with access to and command of two states of consciousness—dreaming and waking. Through this ability they garnered wisdom from the cosmos and more subtle planes of existence; giving them a working knowledge of how perceptions form reality as well as the capacity to influence matter. They understood and took responsibility for the power of human consciousness and relationship to all of life. It is they who primarily informed the Toltec/Aztec worldview and spiritual tradition.
Both the Aztec and Mayan calendars are based on the Mixtec/Zapotec calendar. The Mayan calendar is formed of separate calendrical ‘wheels’ (solar and lunar; the long and short cycles) but the Aztec calendar incorporates knowledge from the Chichimeca, which gathers all cycles into a single wheel and represents the various aspects of the cosmic dance—spanning from one single moment through incredibly long cycles that are incomprehensible to human consciousness.
Contact Host: Kathryn@Heartofmind.org
Friday Nov 14, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 11/14/14
Friday Nov 14, 2014
Friday Nov 14, 2014
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we announce a very special FREE on-line event with the Sift Network: The Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit - An Unprecedented Sacred Gathering of Indigenous Leaders - November 18-20 – Send an email to Kathryn@HeartOfMind.org to receive a link for FREE registration for this and upcoming events or go tohttp://www.HeartOfMnd.org for more information. Covered over the three days are “Indigenous Prophecies & Wisdom; Challenges & the Healing Journey and Bringing Our Prophecies & Highest Visions into Reality.
Today’s guest is LINDA BENDER, DVM - In her new book, Animal Wisdom: Learning from the Spiritual Lives of Animals author and veterinarian Dr. Linda Bender shares her stories, and the wisdom she has gained from a lifetime of loving and working with animals. Often on the front lines, she has worked to rescue and advocate for wildlife and their habitats around the world. Combining scientific knowledge and a deep spiritual understanding of the interconnectedness of life, she reveals the amazing power our pets and wildlife have to heal and enrich our lives.
Linda will be offering a workshop on Friday, Nov 14th, at the Open Center called: Animal Wisdom: Learning from the Spiritual Lives of Animals. In this workshop for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the innate loving, spiritual connection we share with animals, veterinarian and animal advocate Linda Bender will combine a scientist’s clear knowledge with a deep spiritual understanding of the inter-connectedness of all life to explain the amazing power our pets and wild animals have to heal and enrich our lives. The topics covered will include: cutting-edge research on the remarkable “unexplained powers” of animals; step-by-step practical ways we can hone our natural intuitive abilities to engage in interspecies communication and understand what animals have to tell us; how animals can reconnect us with the source of all life and the power of love; and much more.
Link: http://www.opencenter.org/events/animal-wisdom-learning-from-the-spiritual-lives-of-animals/ - http://www.LindaBender.org
Find out more about the guest who didn’t make it on to the air today. Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl returns to New York, and will offer a lecture on his new book “The Toltec Secret: Dreaming Practices of the Ancient Mexicans. He will also be taking a group on a Pilgrimage to the Navel of the Moon (The Birth of Huitzilpochtli) in Mexico.
Websites: http://sergiomagana.com/ - http://www.opencenter.org/events/the-birth-of-huitzilopochtli-pilgrimage-to-the-navel-of-the-moon-mexico-2/
Contact Host: Kathryn@Heartofmind.org - (347) 480-1694
Friday Nov 07, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 11/07/14
Friday Nov 07, 2014
Friday Nov 07, 2014
On Today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we explore information about ‘Stem Cells’ and their role in restoring human health with Christian Drapeau, a leader in the field of Stem Cell Nutrition and ElenaGurevich, a Licensed Massage Therapist and representative for Stemtech a botanically based product that supports the performance of the body’s natural stem cells. Host Kathryn Davis ends the program with a commentary on taking charge of our health needs.
Christian Drapeau is Chief Science Officer at Stemtech International. He co-founded Stemtech, a leader in the field of Stem Cell Nutrition in 2005. Prior to co-founding Stemtech, Drapeau was the Director of Research and Development at Cell Tech & Desert Lake Technologies, where his study of the cyanophyta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae slowly led him to the field of stem cell research.
Christian's theory that Adult Stem Cells are nothing less than the human body's natural healing system has profound implications for every area of modern medicine. The idea that heart disease, diabetes and other medical conditions could become things of the past is no longer science fiction: because of recent Adult Stem Cell research breakthroughs. Drapeau's current research focuses on methods to support the natural role of Adult Stem Cell in the body. He collaborates with scientists and other medical experts around the world on Adult Stem Cell research and applications.
Christian has published more than 20 peer-review papers in the field of epileptogenesis and stem cell research, and currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy. He is the author of “Cracking the Stem Cell Code”, which found itself on Amazon’s Best Seller list. Drapeau holds a Bachelor degree in Honors Neurophysiology and Masters degree in Neurology and Neurosurgery from Canada’s McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, with work performed at the Montreal Neurological Institute. His thesis was on epileptogenesis and the role of eicosanoids in long-term potentiation and he completed further scientific training in variable projection microscopy at Bradford Research Institute and in ion-selective microelectrode recordings at St-Anne Hospital in France.
Stemtech's products for humans and animals are composed of natural botanicals, that have been clinically documented by Christian and other scientists to support the performance of our own stem cells. Drapeau has become one of America's best-known advocates for Adult Stem Cell research. Gaining recognition when his breakthrough theory of Adult Stem Cells, achieved widespread interest across the scientific and medical communities.
Elena Gurevich, L.M.T. Elena is a true "Renaissance Woman", Elena is a healer, health coach and licensed massage therapist as well as a classically trained pianist, opera singer, painter, sculptor, dancer and yoga instructor. Living in Manhattan offers her many ways to pursue her interests and also provides a plethora of opportunities to share her passion for Stem Cell Nutrition and Stemtech.
As a healer, she truly understands how amazing StemEnhance and Stemflo are. She has had significant results with the products, using them for 6 years and sharing them with anyone who would listen. She feels that as a healer, she has much faster and better results when people she works with add Stemtech products to their everyday regimen. She has built an international organization and is now working with Russian community, as Stemtech just opened for business in Russia this year.
Contact Host: Kathryn@HeartOfMind.org
Info: http://www.stemtech.com/US/Science.aspx
Contact Guest Elena Gurevich: stemcellaction@me.com www.4eg.stemtech.com
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 10/31/14
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Friday Oct 31, 2014
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we feature two women who are healers with a deep connection to nature, spirit and community. Dr. Zia Nix and Kufunya Ife. Both will speak about their collaborative effort in an event called: Boosting & Winterizing The Immune Defenses and Mood with Nture’s Solutions, to take place on Monday Nov 10th. In segment two Kathryn Davis will speak about the potential for Energy Healing.
Location of event: Nicholas Brooklyn, 570 Fulton St., BK NY- (718) 858-4400
Dr. Zia Nix, is a chiropractor, health educator, wellness consultant, and essential oil specialist. She is passionate about teaching people to take control of their health and empower themselves in every aspect of their lives. She teaches essential oil self-treatment protocols for physical and emotional healing through workshops and educates other wellness advocates to do the same.
Kufunya Ife, Mother, Divine Friend, Wholistic Healer, Motivator, Spiritual Counselor, Teacher, Poet , Event Planner
“I am A Rebel Soul Rebel" ~ "Soul Adventurer”
“The Stone That The Builder Refused Will Always Be The Head Corner Stone”
In 2007 Out of chaos and disappointment Crystals 4 Everyday Living Life Transformational Workshops was created, and placed Kufunya to evolve into one of the finest Healers and Teachers in the Ancient Art of the Laying of Crystal & Stones on the Body, Chakra Alignment Balancing, Aroma Touch Tech utilizing doTerra Essential Oils, and Sound Healing She Calls “ Gifts From The Earth”. A way shower in her own right, she has travelled to different parts of the World imparting Wisdom and Guidance to all who come within her presence and informs, “you have the power within self to achieve your Hearts Passion and Dreams for the Highest good in this Universe, and on Planet Earth, what I call the Inner journey reconnecting to "All That Is". “This Energy /Spirit Force, has many names which allows one to Expand into our Greatest self, it is a choice.
Earned Educational Certifications in the following Fields of Study
Aroma Touch Tech, Entertainment Business, Crystal Healing, Medical Intuition and Reiki Master, Teacher in Magnified Healing, Holistic Health Care Practitioner, Aroma & Chakra Therapy, Respiratory Therapist.
Event Presentation & Ongoing Productions
Healing Circle Tuesdays (On Going) Visit:www.nicholasbrooklyn.com For Details
Interactive Teaching & Healing Alignment Workshops, Crystal, Sound, Mantra Meditation, Star Nation Workshops & Crystal Cave Field Trips.
For Speaking Engagements- Readings, & Guidance~ Chakra Balancing & Kits Aura Clearing~ Crystals for Everyday Living ~Young Living Essential Oils or Questions: Call 347-972-0901 ~
E-mail : Kufunya@aol.com ~ Website:www.crystals4everydayliving.com ~
Contact Host: Kathryn@HeartOfMind.org - (347) 480-1694
Monday Oct 20, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 10/17/14
Monday Oct 20, 2014
Monday Oct 20, 2014
On Today’s Hear Of Mind Radio we speak to Sri Regine Lherison-Bey, a mind-body therapist, researcher, and Indigenous Practitioner and Judy Satori, author of ‘Sunshine Before the Dawn.” She is considered to be a way shower, activator and catalyst for human transformation. Both will be speaking at the New Life Expo during the weekend of Oct 17 – 20th. www.newlifeexpo.com
Kathryn Davis will give a lecture at the New Life Expo on Sunday October 19th at 4:00 PM on the third in a series of talks on Vibrational Intelligence
SRI REGINE LHERISON-BEY is an Autonomous Mind-Body Therapist, Psychophysiology Researcher, and Indigenous Private Minister. Her practice “Wholeness Connection” is a holistic service to facilitate healing of mind and body.
Sri Regine is completing a doctorate degree in Integrated Medicine. She received her graduate education in Counseling Psychology at Seton Hall University, and graduated from Saint Peter’s College, both in New Jersey and is a recipient of the Spur Society Award for academic achievements and community service. She also has business science degree from FIT and numerous trainings in her field.
Her professional training and experience include numerous disciplines, some of which are: Psychology, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Naturopathy, Bodywork Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Holistic Stress Management, Weight Reduction programs and Clinical Medical Assistance.
JUDY SATORY has been described as a way shower, activator and catalyst for human transformation. She travels and works internationally and is the author of ‘Sunshine Before the Dawn’, a story transmitted to her by Spirit about the true origins of the human race. Over the course of many years, Judy Satori has been spiritually trained and prepared to recode human DNA; to transmit the sound and light sequences (energy “words”) that are required to catalyze physical and energetic changes within the cells of the human body, and, in so doing, to spark a physical and consciousness upgrade for humanity. She was born and lived for many years in New Zealand, but is now a permanent resident of the USA. She began to work with higher-dimensional beings in 1997 and to spontaneously speak the Language of Light in 2002. Judy Satori holds a NZ Diploma in Physiotherapy and a Diploma of Natural Healing Sciences in Auric Healing. In 2009, she was awarded an honorary Doctorate in Religious Studies. Recently she was appointed as North American and New Zealand delegate to the Council of World Parliament on Spirituality, which is based in Hyderabad, India. Judy has two wonderful adult sons, two special daughters in law and three little grand children in New Zealand, who she just adores.
Contact host: Kathryn@HeartOfMind.org
Friday Oct 10, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 10/10/14
Friday Oct 10, 2014
Friday Oct 10, 2014
Heart Of Mind Radio, Friday, October 10, 2014 – 10:00 AM – 10:58 AM
Program Description
On Today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we speak to Dr. John Diamond one of the foremost holistic healers most famous for his book “Your Body Doesn’t Lie” and Lynn Andrews, the New York Times and internationally best-selling author of the Medicine Woman Series, which chronicles her three decades of study and work with shaman healers on four continents. Both will be speaking at the New Life Expo during the weekend of Oct 17 – 20th. Host Kathryn Davis will give a lecture at the New Life Expo on Sunday October 19th at 4:00 PM on the third in a series of talks on Vibrational Intelligence
Guest Bio’s
Dr. JOHN DIAMOND graduated from Sydney University Medical School in 1957 and was awarded his Diploma in Psychological Medicine in 1962. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry, a Foundation Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, American Holistic Medical Association, a Diplomate of the International College of Applied Kinesiology and is a Fellow and past President of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine. He is an Honorary Advisor to the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation and their Japanese sister organization, the Koushikai Foundation.
One of the foremost holistic healers, Dr. Diamond's remarkable body of work, which includes his discovery of the link between the acupuncture meridians and the emotions, embraces a wide range of disciplines, the result of over fifty years of research and clinical practice. He began his career in psychiatry but expanded into holistic medicine, concentrating on the totality of the sufferer. In his fifty years of practice, he has increasingly recognized that there is within us a great healing force, Life Energy, the healing power within. With his increasing involvement with this concept, his research has led him to concentrate on the enhancement of the sufferer's Life Energy so as to actuate his own innate Healing Power.
Dr. Diamond has held numerous senior clinical and university teaching appointments in clinical psychiatry, the basic sciences and the humanities, and is a widely recognized bestselling author of over thirty-five books, including Your Body Doesn't Lie, Life Energy: Unlocking the Hidden Power of Your Emotions to Achieve Well-Being, The Diamond Color Meditation, Facets of a Diamond: Reflections of a Healer and numerous books on music and healing. He has a large international following, and his books have been translated into a number of languages including German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Japanese and Greek. Most recently Your Body Doesn't Lie, Life Energy and The Diamond Color Meditation have become available in Russian.
Dr. Diamond now practices as a Holistic Consultant and blends his experience in medicine, psychiatry, complementary medicine, the humanities, holism, applied kinesiology, acupuncture theory, spirituality and the arts to help sufferers overcome problems relating to body, mind and spirit. He has also used Creativity for many years, regarding it as an essential and major component of healing, and has founded The Institute for Music and Health and The Institute for Life Energy and Creativity to train those interested in learning how to use the arts as a therapeutic modality. He resides in New York.http://www.drjohndiamond.com/
LYNN ANDREWS is the New York Times and internationally best-selling author of the Medicine Woman Series, which chronicles her three decades of study and work with shaman healers on four continents. Her study of the way of the sacred feminine began with Agnes Whistling Elk and Ruby Plenty Chiefs, Native American healers in northern Canada. Her quest for spiritual discovery continued with a Shaman Curendera of the Mayan Yucatan; an Aboriginal woman of high degree in the Australian Outback or Nepalese healer in the foothills of the Himalayas. Today, she is recognized worldwide as a leader in the fields of spiritual healing and personal empowerment. A shaman healer and mystic, Ms. Andrews is widely acknowledged as a major link between the ancient world of shamanism and modern societies thirst for profound personal healing and a deeper understanding of the pathway to enlightenment.
She is initiated as a member of the Sisterhood of the Shields, 44 women who are healers from cultures as diverse as Panama, Guatemala, Australia, Nepal, North America and the Yucatan. Remaining hidden, the Sisterhood has appointed Ms. Andrews as their public messenger. In addition to her Medicine Woman Series, she has written an additional 19 best selling books and workbooks about her work with these women and their unique and deeply profound teachings. Passed from generation to generation, their teachings, born of the sacred feminine, has been practiced, guarded and handed down from shaman to apprentice, mother to daughter, for over 5,000 years.
Together with her teachers, Lynn Andrews is the architect of the Personal Act of Power, finding balance around the sacred wheel of life. She presents these shamanic teachings in her four year program at the Lynn Andrews Center for the Sacred Arts and Training; provides online courses for conscious dreaming and manifesting your personal acts of power; and hosts annual live gatherings for shamanic healing and empowerment in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Hawaii, and Egypt.
Contact Host Kathryn@HeartOfMind.org
Friday Oct 03, 2014
Heart of Mind Radio - 10/03/14
Friday Oct 03, 2014
Friday Oct 03, 2014
Heart Of Mind Radio, Friday October 3, 2014
Program Description
On today’s program host Kathryn Davis speaks with Chantal Pierrat the founder of “Emerging Women Live an annual event that celebrates women as they change the world through feminine leadership and entrepreneurship and with SuZen the founder of Universal Peace Day and the Peace Museum. We also speak with Iran Zazarro a former gang member turned PeaceMaker.
Chantal Pierrat: For over ten years, Chantal served as the VP of Sales and Marketing for Sounds True, a multimedia publishing company focused on spirituality, personal growth, and holistic living. In her last year at Sounds True, Chantal spearheaded the successful launch of the Wake Up Festival, Sounds True’s first annual national event with over 25 speakers and 800 attendees. Shortly after, in September 2012, she founded Emerging Women and Emerging Women Live.
In 2002, after graduating with an MBA from the University of Colorado, Chantal left a 4-year career in the medical devices industry in search of work that would amplify her dedication to inner transformation and her passion for ideas. She continues to support the integration of consciousness and business through Emerging Women. Chantal’s ultimate vision is to weave feminine leadership and authenticity into businesses, and to create a world where women have a strong voice in the shaping of our future.
Chantal is also the creator of SoulSweat™, a dynamic, transformative dance fitness program that combines traditional dance forms such as ballet, jazz, and modern with more alternative movement such as Hip-Hop, African, Latin, and wild abandonment. She has been teaching for 12 years, and releasedSoulSweat, the DVD, in 2007. Chantal believes that dance is one of the most powerful ways to connect to our present experience and discover the truth of who we are.
Iran Nazario: An expert in Gang Prevention and Mediation, plus a Drug and Alcohol Prevention counselor. For the past nine years, Nazario has been the Director of Peacebuilders and Community Relations at COMPASS Youth Collaborative in Hartford, Connecticut. In the middle of the night, he seeks out youth, engages with them and transforms them from gang members into Peacebuilders. Since this program began, he has served over 2,500 youth, achieving a success rate of over 80%. Raised in Brooklyn, Nazario was a former gang member himself. Thus, he has direct experience of the temptations and challenges of that life style.
On Sunday, October 5th from 2-4 PM, Iran will conduct a workshop, Strategies for Connecting to Youth at Risk. The attendees will learn strategies for engaging youth, adults, community members, partners and others to affect real change that makes peace possible.
Workshop will take place at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 81 Christopher Street, NYC.
Cost is $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Students are admitted FREE.
To register go to: bit.ly/IRANworkshop.
SuZen is the founder of Universal Peace Day and the NYC Peace Museum a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting a global Culture of Peace through educational programs, events, and exhibits.
Join Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/772039296188944/?source=1
www.nycpeacemuseum.org www.universalpeaceday.org www.suzennyc.com www.facebook.com/ringbells4peace